A Tranquil New Life for $800 a Month in Panama

A Tranquil New Life for $800 a Month in Panama

“While living in Colorado,” Beth Cushman says, “I had to work multiple jobs in order to survive and save money for my retirement. Now, in Panama, I am able to do my main accounting job remotely, while still having time to enjoy my new life. My monthly budget is about $800, including food, transportation within Panama, entertainment, yard maintenance, and insurances.”

Low Taxes and Easy Residency in Undiscovered Europe

Low Taxes and Easy Residency in Undiscovered Europe

Portugal, Spain, France…when it comes to European relocation choices, they’re the most established options. But right now, a small country on Europe’s Adriatic Coast, flying just under the mainstream radar, is poised to join that select group of prime destinations. The secrecy won’t last long. A growing community of devotees is already moving there for retirement...