An Old U.S. Base Becomes an Asian Retirement Hot Spot

An Old U.S. Base Becomes an Asian Retirement Hot Spot

An idyllic setting in an exotic destination, with Western-style comforts and services. A place where communities exist within a pristine, conserved habitat, but which also offers golf courses, water sports, and amusement parks. All that, at Southeast Asian prices. Oh yes, it exists! And the clincher? Over 90% of the population speaks English.

A High-Quality Life For $1,100 a Month in Kampot

A High-Quality Life For $1,100 a Month in Kampot

I can’t imagine a better standard of living,” says Matt Mancini, waving a hand to encompass the city of Kampot, Cambodia. It’s a riverside town in the south of the country that has historically been a refuge from the Southeast Asian hot season. A place that grows almost visibly week to week, and yet it still seems somehow embedded in the past.