Living Without Want on $2,500 a Month in Orosi, Costa Rica

Living Without Want on $2,500 a Month in Orosi, Costa Rica

David Hirabayashi first came to Costa Rica to visit friends who had moved there. "When they told me they were retiring and moving to Costa Rica, I thought they had a screw loose," he says. But when he visited them, he was astonished at the lifestyle on offer. That visit convinced him to move to Costa Rica too. He wanted to be in the mountains...

We Swapped the American Dream for a Dream Life in Costa Rica

We Swapped the American Dream for a Dream Life in Costa Rica

That successful American dream was killing me. So, my partner Michael and I decided to look elsewhere for our dream. A dream that would let us slow down and enjoy life. When our friends learned of our intent to retire early, outside the U.S., they looked at us askance and wanted to know why we would ever want to leave a life of success in the "good ol' US of A."