Exciting news: I’d like to introduce you to Ted Baumann—our new Chief Global Diversification Expert.

Ted joins our team here at IL with one primary mission: to help members like you better understand (and sort through) the best ways and places to diversify your life internationally, so you can better protect your wealth and your privacy and can create more freedom for yourself in the way you live, invest, and spend time.
There’s no one-size-fits-all solution in this regard—no one single country that makes sense for everybody or every goal. Your situation is unique—which is why the insights, know-how, and nuance that Ted brings to our team will, I’m confident, prove valuable to you.
Maybe you’re interested in a second passport. Do you know the right place to get one—which countries would make sense for you (from both a financial—and a practical—standpoint)? Ted is here to help you understand your options.
Maybe you want to find a way to safely move some of your wealth outside the U.S.—to protect against inflation; taxes; and political, social, and economic uncertainties at home. You absolutely can. But you’ll want to know the pluses and minuses that come with different strategies and different countries. Some will make more sense than others. Ted can show you what they are.
Maybe you’d like to have an overseas outpost where you could enjoy spending part of the year, but where, too, you might also benefit from other perks—like investment opportunities you can’t access in the States or the potential for residence (and even citizenship) that could be extended to your children. That’s exactly the sort of thing Ted can help you explore.
You’ll hear from him in your daily Postcards and regularly in our monthly magazine as well.
Ted is a longtime expat. Though born in Washington, D.C. and raised on Maryland’s eastern shore, Ted moved overseas to South Africa as a young man, where he graduated from the University of Cape Town with postgraduate degrees in economics and history.
He joins us on the heels of a long international career, most recently as a market analyst and investment advisor. But for decades before that, he worked as a consultant, researching and writing extensively on finance, housing, and urban planning issues for clients as diverse as the United Nations, the World Bank, the South African government, and European grant-making agencies.
In 2008, he returned to the U.S. where he served as Director of International Housing Programs for Habitat for Humanity International. He left in 2013 to work full-time as a researcher and writer. And now we are thrilled to have him on our team of International Living experts.
Hear more from Ted below:
We want you to feel confident about the decisions you’re making as you create a more international life for yourself. Having experts like Ted in your corner will help make that happen, and I encourage you to take advantage of the opportunities we’ll give you in the weeks and months ahead to connect with him and the rest of our experts.

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